Bookbindchallenge ii, mooi marginaal

Bookbindchallenge ii, mooi marginaal

November 15, 2021 – Leiden, the Netherlands.

Bound! The “Mooi Marginaal” catalogue for the Bookbindchallenge II. The catalogue contains 50 awarded private press works.

Once every two years, the Laurens Janszoon Coster Foundation organizes an award for the most beautiful margin prints published in the Netherlands and Belgium You can read more at

For the Bookbindchallenge the catalogue is also available in sections for bookbinders to bind this special book. I chose the steck album binding to show the prints on the spine sections and inspired by the modern works in the catalogue, The steck album an adhesive-free technique designed by Nadine Werner. It comprises of a special concertina in which the connection goes through the album and the band.

The organiser of the Bookbindchallenge, the Dutch national bookbinders association (Stichting Handboekbinden), showed all submitted bound books live at the Book Art Fair, the Boekkunstbeurs in Leiden the 6th and 7th of November 2021. All submitted books will be photographed and will be shown in a digital exhibition on the website