09 sep ‘De tegentijd’ – tailormade time capsule book
September 9, 2021 –
For a one of a kind project I made a tailor-made book and quite a special one… It’s half a metre in height. Filled with 500 pages, 200 gsm. Bound with 21 meters bookbinders yarn and made of sustainable and recycled materials.
To inspire special endpapers were designed matching the toile ocean linen. This book cover material has been made from recycled ocean plastic by Winter & Company #nospon. Inside the 500 pages are made of 200 grams natural white paper without optical brighteners, FSC certified and in accordance with the EU Ecolabel.
The book is waiting at the end of a musical journey through time at the old observatory in Leiden.
A book that is made to last like a time capsule with room for the ideas, artwork, wishes and dreams of hundreds of people. After this month it will travel to a new location in the Netherlands and at the end of its journey it will be kept safe for the people in the future to read…
Special heartfelt thanks to Boekbinderij Papyrus in Leiden for their support in this project..
I joined the workshop journey and it was wonderful to see so many entries already in the book.
This workshop #detegentijd is part of Festival 2030, organised by Stichting 2030.
The two photos at the observatory are reposted from Instagram @stichting2030.