Crisscross binding
Over dit project
This book is named after the crossing of the thread that takes place in the hinge and travels from one side to the other. This holds the book together even with a 360 degree rotation. I do love the geometrical pattern of this binding. It creates a distinct thread pattern on the cover and it is a surprisingly sturdy binding that allows the book to open completely flat.
The crisscross binding was invented in the mid-1980s by Anne Goy, a Belgian bookbinder. She was looking for a Western version of the traditional Japanese stabbinding techniques. The book cover consists of a separate front and back cover, and a spine piece. The previously sewn textblock is attached when the threads that pass under the spine piece also pass through the stitches on the spine of the textblock. The spine piece is held in place only by these threads passing over and under it.
May 11, 2020